Our Trusted Servants
Elders and Deacons are called into service by the will of God. We at West Deer Bible Church in that calling seek to fulfill the Biblical model put forth in the book of Acts, Timothy and Titus. We are blessed as our growing church sees the fruit of a body of believers called together to worship together, love others and emulate Christ in our lives and the community.

Pastor/Elder David Ryan
As Shepherd of West Deer Bible Church for the last four years David has been blessed to serve God in this community. His wife Julie of 23 years and family, Nicholas, Jake, Nathan and Olivia serve together with the bringing the love of Christ to the Gibsonia area. Gifted to teach and preach the Word, Pastor Dave looks forward, along with the congregation, to impact the community in this season of West Deer Bible Church. Come join us as we seek together God's calling.

Neville "Nev" Breck
Mr. Neville Breck has served many years as an Elder of West Deer Bible Church. Mr. Breck is very faithful in his service to God as a leader at the church and someone to be counted on. Mr. Breck is very active in teaching at the church. He teaches Wednesday night prayer meeting and takes turns giving messages at St. Barnabas Nursing Home and Men's Prayer Breakfast.

Dan Smith
Dan has been a part of the church since a child. He married his wife Lacy here and is the 3rd generation of his family that are members. He has 3 children Ruth, Josie and Logan, 4th generation. It's a blessing to have Dan fill the calling of Elder as part of our growing church. Dan delivers Gods word in the absence of the Pastor as well as teach Sunday school and Children's Chapel.
David Smith

Mr. David Smith has served West Deer Bible Church for many years as Deacon David and wife Nancy were married at this church and have been an integral part of the West Deer Bible Church Family for over 40 years. David's responsibilities include taking care of the physical needs of the church with help from others. The deacon position was created in the book of Acts to let the Elders focus on the spiritual needs of the congregation and we use this Biblical model in our church. We all work together as leaders to serve God and this church.
Joe McKeon